Interface ReadEnv

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
MapEnv, NestedEnv, NestedReadEnv, TokenSetMemberEnvAdapter

public interface ReadEnv

A ReadEnv is a container for attributes that can be read but not changed. The attributes are likely all stored as strings, to allow simple database storage, but they may be retrieved as a specified type, if an AttributeConverter for that type has been registered (via AttributeConverters.setConverterForType(Class, AttributeConverter)).

Paul Lorenz

Method Summary
 String getAttribute(String name)
          Gets an attribute as a String.
<T> T
getAttribute(String name, Class<T> type)
          Returns the given attribute, transformed into the given type.
<T> T
getAttribute(String name, Class<T> type, T defaultValue)
          Returns the given attribute, transformed into the given type.
 Iterable<String> getAttributeNames()
          Returns an Iterable of attribute names.
 boolean hasAttribute(String name)
          Checks if the given attribute is present.

Method Detail


String getAttribute(String name)
Gets an attribute as a String. If there is no value set for the attribute, null will be returned.

name - The name of the attribute to get
The value of attribute or null if no value is set for the attribute.


<T> T getAttribute(String name,
                   Class<T> type)
Returns the given attribute, transformed into the given type.

Type Parameters:
T - The type which the attribute should be returned as.
name - The name of the attribute to get.
type - The class type which the attribute should be transformed to.
The attribute value, or null if no value is set for the attribute.


<T> T getAttribute(String name,
                   Class<T> type,
                   T defaultValue)
Returns the given attribute, transformed into the given type. If no value is set, return the given default.

Type Parameters:
T - The type which the attribute should be returned as.
name - The name of the attribute to get.
type - The class type which the attribute should be transformed to.
defaultValue - The value to return if no value is set.
The attribute value, or null if no value is set for the attribute.


boolean hasAttribute(String name)
Checks if the given attribute is present.

name - Name of the attribute to check for
True if the given attribute is present, false otherwise.


Iterable<String> getAttributeNames()
Returns an Iterable of attribute names.

Iterable of attribute names